Investing in mental health training in the workplace


Lauren Penny
Consultant Associate


At the height of COVID-19 in Australia, we faced not only a pandemic but a burgeoning mental health crisis. As Melbourne became renowned for being the most locked-down city in the world, the focus began to shift towards the impact of lengthy isolation periods on population mental health. It was at this time, watching on from Brisbane (where we escaped the worst of the pandemic relatively unscathed), that I chose to undertake Mental Health First Aid training as part of my professional development at Karabena. Although I had been interested in undertaking this training for some time, witnessing the impact of lockdowns on my colleagues in Melbourne reinforced the importance of supporting mental wellbeing in the workplace.

Prioritising mental health in the workplace

When it comes to professional development, Mental Health First Aid training may not seem like the most obvious choice for businesses seeking a significant return on investment. However, I learned that the impact of mental ill-health on workplace productivity and performance is enormous. In fact, mental illness is the leading cause of sickness, absence and long-term work incapacity, costing Australian workplaces more than $10 billion each year. Having staff trained in Mental Health First Aid is one of the key strategies to reduce this impact and create a culture where employees feel safe and supported to talk openly about mental health.

What is Mental Health First Aid?

Mental Health First Aid (MHFA) is the initial help offered to someone who is experiencing a mental health problem, or a mental health crisis, until appropriate professional help is received or the crisis resolves. The training is aimed at increasing mental health literacy and teaching the practical skills needed to support someone who is experiencing a mental health problem. The course equips trainees with the knowledge and confidence to speak openly with those who may need support and helps to increase organisational and employee resilience.

Mental health initiatives at Karabena

After undertaking this training, I was designated one of Karabena’s MHFA Officers alongside a colleague. The first step to implementing improvements in the workplace was a ‘Lunch and Learn’ presentation to showcase our learning experience and have an interactive discussion about how we could best promote mental health in the workplace. Following this, we shared weekly posts with the team, focusing on the different types of self-care and ways to practise them. We arranged a weekly automated post to prompt staff to share their recent self-care activities with the team. As a further way to support mental wellbeing during COVID-19, Karabena also offered ‘Doona Days’, where staff could take additional leave when required, no questions asked. These measures encouraged staff to prioritise their mental health and overall wellbeing.

Impactful professional development

I found Mental Health First Aid training to be an incredibly valuable experience and have witnessed meaningful change as a result. In my role as Mental Health First Aid Officer, I feel extremely privileged to have been approached by colleagues to discuss their mental health concerns or even just to have a friendly chat. My training has enabled me to take steps to help ensure that our organisation fosters a supportive and nurturing environment for mental wellbeing. I look forward to developing my skills and undergoing further training in the future.