Family Preservation and Reunification Response Evaluation

Centre for Evaluation and Research Evidence

Who funded the project


Karabena Consulting was engaged by the Centre for Evaluation and Research Evidence (CERE) to lead a culturally sensitive data collection initiative in the evaluation of the Family Preservation and Reunification Response (the Response) Phase 2 program. The evaluation focused on service delivery, implementation support, system-wide partnerships and collaboration.

Karabena Consulting conducted a range of consultations and provided a detailed evaluation report to CERE outlining key recommendations to optimise the Response program and ensure its effectiveness.



The aim of the evaluation was to understand the effectiveness of:

  • the Response in improving outcomes for children and families by preventing at-risk children entering or re-entering care, or reducing time in care by supporting safe reunification within the priority cohorts

  • the service provision provided by the agencies and the practice modules that enhance it

  • the implementation of the Response and the extent to which implementation support strategies and governance improve targeting and delivery of services to children and families

Project Aims


As an Indigenous woman-owned and led organisation, Karabena Consulting has a deep understanding of the cultural nuances and sensitivities that are essential to conducting a successful evaluation in this domain.

To complete the evaluation, Karabena Consulting utilised a series of highly interactive and culturally safe Indigenous research methodologies, deeply embedded in the cultural traditions and wisdom of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities. This included:

  • undertaking one-on-one interviews with Aboriginal clients of the Response program (parents only) and Response delivery staff from various ACCOs

  • facilitating sense-making workshops with the Response Evaluation Aboriginal Reference Group and Response Evaluation Working Group.



Our culturally safe approach in consulting with First Nations people fostered respect and rapport, enabling genuine sharing of stories and insights, valuing community involvement and promoting self-determination.

Methodological outcomes


The key outputs for this project was:

  • A co-designed engagement plan

  • An evaluation report detailing findings and recommendations.

Project Outputs


Through this project, Karabena Consulting provided a range of recommendations focusing on:

  • prioritising cultural safety

  • the implementation of trauma-informed practices

  • addressing bias and stigma within Child Protection Services.

This evaluation showed that confident parenting is possible when culture is trusted as the protective factor for Aboriginal families, and when Child Protection services and ACCO’s coordinate and collaborate across a wide array of sectors including community, housing, employment, disability, justice and social support in supporting Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander families.

It is hoped that the implementation of these recommendations will contribute to the future success and sustainability of the Response program as we prepare for the Treaty Generation.

Project Outcomes


#CERE #self-determination #culturalsafety #preservation #reunification #treaty #relationships #collaboration #family #evaluation #truthtelling

Key words

Peter Imboy