Swinburne Moondani Toombadool Centre (MTC) Innovation Hub Strategic Plan

Swinburne University of Technology

Who funded the project


Karabena Consulting partnered with Swinburne University's Moondani Toombadool Centre (MTC) to develop a Strategic Plan for their Indigenous Innovation Hub. This plan is aimed at nurturing Indigenous entrepreneurship, aligning with the cultural values and needs of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities.

Our methodology was multifaceted and included: A thorough literature review on Indigenous entrepreneurship and its support mechanisms; interviews with Indigenous entrepreneurs for a culturally sensitive and inclusive vision; an online survey to gather data from various stakeholders, highlighting challenges and opportunities in Indigenous entrepreneurship; and a reflective workshop with Swinburne staff and Indigenous leaders to integrate Indigenous perspectives into the MTC Innovation Hub's strategic vision.

The outcome is an MTC Innovation Hub Strategic Plan that strengthens ties with the Indigenous community, embeds Indigenous knowledge in the curriculum, and promotes inclusive education and sustainable Indigenous entrepreneurship. This plan represents a significant step in fostering Indigenous innovation and aligns academic resources with the aspirations of Indigenous communities.



The aim of this project was to craft a clear vision and a robust strategy for the MTC Indigenous Innovation Hub. This vision and strategy are intended to resonate with the cultural values, aspirations and needs of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities, while also integrating global best practices in innovation and entrepreneurship.

Project Aims


The key outputs for this project were:

  • MTC Innovation Hub Strategic Plan Methodology Report

  • MTC Innovation Hub Strategic Plan Report

Project Outputs


The MTC Innovation Hub Strategic Plan initiative aims to blend Indigenous knowledge with contemporary educational practices, fostering a culture of respect and innovation. This approach has enabled the plan to:

  • Establish a vision and mission that prioritises cultural respect, integrating traditional wisdom with modern learning techniques to foster innovation and sustainability

  • Develop core values such as cultural respect, community engagement, inclusivity, diversity and sustainability

  • Set strategic objectives to enhance community engagement, incorporate Indigenous perspectives, create an inclusive educational environment, develop innovative learning strategies, form industry partnerships, and improve funding access.

  • Define strategic goals with a timeline, focusing on curriculum enhancement, faculty development and community outreach in the short term; holistic integration of Indigenous knowledge and development of global partnerships in the medium term; and achieving global leadership in Indigenous knowledge integration and establishing research centres in the long term.

  • Implement detailed pathways for achieving these goals over 10 years, involving a broad range of stakeholders, including Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities, industry experts, government bodies and educational institutions.

  • Develop a robust framework for monitoring and evaluation, including establishing Key Performance Indicators (KPIs), regular reporting, stakeholder engagement and continuous improvement measures.

Project Outcomes


#reconciliation #governance #investment #BusinessCase #leadership #inclusion #Swinburne #strategicplan #innovation #indigenousbusiness

Key words

Peter Imboy