Karabena Consulting's New Venture: Shaping Holistic Early Years Health Services for Aboriginal Communities

We at Karabena Consulting are proud to announce a significant partnership that marks a new chapter in our continuous journey towards empowering Aboriginal communities. Collaborating with the Department of Health, we have embarked on a project named "Aboriginal Led Design and Participation - Shaping a Holistic Early Years Health Service for Aboriginal Communities from Pregnancy to Starting Schools."

Why This Project?

The early years of a child’s life, from pregnancy to starting school, are pivotal in shaping their future. There is a growing recognition of the need for a holistic approach that encompasses antenatal, maternal and child health, and early parenting supports. This project aims to address these critical areas and is specially tailored to meet the unique needs of Aboriginal communities.

Our Approach: Aboriginal Led Design and Participation

Central to this project is the Aboriginal-led design and participation process. It's not just about consulting with the community; it's about ensuring that the community's wisdom, knowledge, and expertise are integral to the creation and implementation of the framework.

We will be developing a framework that sets out:

Vision: What we aim to achieve in the long term.

Outcomes: The desired results of our actions.

Guiding Principles: The core beliefs that will guide our work.

Priority Areas and Actions: Specific areas of focus and the steps to be taken.

Our Experience: First 1000 Days Australia

This isn't our first venture into this essential field. Karabena Consulting has a rich history of facilitating First 1000 Days Australia work, both nationally and internationally. The First 1000 Days Australia is an intervention strategy that aims to strengthen the physical, emotional, and intellectual wellbeing of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children. Our experience in this field makes us uniquely qualified to lead this new initiative.

What's Next?

We are at the exciting beginning stages of this collaboration, where ideas are taking shape, and community voices are coming to the forefront. Our commitment to an Aboriginal-led approach ensures that this project will be more than just a policy; it will be a living, breathing initiative that grows and adapts with the community it serves.

In the coming months, we'll be reaching out to various community members, health experts, and stakeholders to ensure a broad spectrum of insights and experiences are included.

We invite you to follow our journey as we take on this essential work. Your support and input could be the key to making lasting positive change in the lives of Aboriginal families.

Here's to a future where every child is given the best start in life, where culture is celebrated, and where communities lead the way.

For more updates and ways to get involved, keep an eye on our website and social media channels.

Written by the Karabena Consulting Team

Tess McArthur-Dowty